Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Get Low

Quote of the day:

It ain't ya's ya booty!

I had many thoughts run through my mind today as I trained, and although it sounds kinda funny, this is the thought that stuck with me. I have noticed many people in our gym with full capability of getting low in their squat that seem to be skipping out on getting to full depth in their workouts. Many of these people I have seen with my own two eyes get to full squat depth time after time, but are now not making it a priority. If you aren't going to go full range on your squats, crease of the hip below crease of the knee, or at least make that your goal, then you might as well not be doing them at all. Why come every day, change your diet and lifestyle, make such a commit, all to come into the gym and cut yourself short?

I challenge you all to make a new commitment for the month of February to step out of your comfort zone and push yourself that much harder every time you walk into the gym!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Dude, you're so right! I have a hard time knowing how low I am getting with heavier weight. Maybe I need to keep that med ball around until I can memorize what a full-depth squat feels like on overhead or heavy front squats. Thanks for the reminder, girl!