Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Incredible Shrinking Woman!

This is a before and after pic of Mel Joulwan of Crossfit Central, also known on the streets as "Meliscious". Mel is one of my hardcore bootcampers and has just recently moved into an indoor class as well. She is a great example of what happens when you put nutrition, exercise, and supplementation all into one package....a new person! By zoning and Crossfitting Mel has lost a total of 38 inches, 44 pounds, and 4 jean sizes!!! She recently came in 3rd in the Spartan 300 challenge. Mel is not only a role model for many people trying to change their fitness levels and lifestyles, but also sets the standard for what we here at Crossfit are trying to acheive. Just want to give a shout out to Mel and tell you that all of the sweat and tears you have gone through have no question paid off! You are a true Rockstar, YOU GO GIRL!!

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