Monday, August 30, 2010

Watch Out Boys

This is my client Brittany, and yes "The Brittany" that has been hobbling around with a boot on her foot for the past few months. Her story is awesome mainly because of the barriers she has pushed through to acheive her goals. To the left is her before pic followed my her current look. Below is her testimonial.
"When I started Crossfit I was ready to get in awesome shape, but I had no idea how fast it would happen. I have lost weight, have more energy, and look pretty awesome! About a month into training I fractured my ankle, but I wasn't going to let that stop me. I have been doing Personal Training with Crystal Mc. and have recovered faster and stronger than I could have imagined.My husband and I both do Crossfit and we celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary July 31 (and the little black dress is from our anniversary dinner). We are more than proud of what we have accomplished and have never looked better! Thanks Crossfit Central!"

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